Baby Driver - Akello

Movie Review: Baby Driver

Look, Baby Driver isn’t for everyone, ok? It certainly wasn’t for me. (super mild spoilers ahead but no direct plot points, just vague exclamations) This is the thing, if you like Edgar Wright movies (the director/writer dude) then there’s a good chance that you will like this one too. He’s the guy who’s behind Scott […]


Movie Review: Wonder Woman

The older I get (I said frailly, balancing on my cane), the less inclined I am to go see a movie with a bunch of other loud, noisy young’uns people. Because part of what ruined Wonder Woman for me (one of the only things, actually) was people talking through it and after it, about it. […]


Movie Review: The Boss Baby

It’s better than Moana, but not as good as Storks – starring Alec Baldwin, Jimmy Kimmel, Tobey Macguire The Boss Baby imagines a world where babies are either sent into families, or sent into management. Baby management involves very many important things, such as making sure formula is intact and sharpening crayons,and of course, my […]


Film: The Jungle Book

The Jungle Book is an exquisitely visual, hopeful movie that made me cry at least thrice. I’m a Disney stan as is, and I am so pleased, in spite of Walt Disney (ha!) and his dubious prejudices, that not only have they managed to make fantastic movies for my childhood, but also for my (pseudo) […]


Film: Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice

Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice wasn’t absolute shite. I don’t know if that’s what DC/Marvel fans want to hear, but it is what it is. In fact, on an overall rating, I’d give it about a 6, 6 and a half out of 10. It inspired in me the same feeling Spectre did last […]


Film: Deadpool

Deadpool is a perfect movie. Hands down, the best one I have seen this year, in terms of perfect entertainment and a blisteringly perfect script. The humour just keeps coming and doesn’t ever stop from beginning to end. The script and comedy are flawless. Ryan Reynolds is sketch gold. The supporting cast are mostly fantastic […]

Film: Batman – Bad Blood

Movie 2 of the year: Batman – Bad Blood. I’m failing. I feel like I am watching movies really slowly. Anyhue. I liked the first* one better, is the summary. For a couple of reasons – I am REALLY bored of uninventive superhero names. Because you wear the bat, you have to have bat in […]

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