Book: The Defining Decade

I just read The Defining Decade, whose tagline is ‘Why your twenties matter and how to make the most of them now’ by Meg Jay, PhD. I don’t normally do a lot of self now’s reading (read at all), but my sister-in-law recommended this one to me and I’m going to choose to believe that […]

Book: The Rosie Project

I am trying to read more – and so I stole this book from my neighbour – The Rosie Project, by Graeme Simsion. Don’t ask me to pronounce that. (honestly, I can’t even remember the last time I finished a full book. I am failing in life, the real type of failing, not the one […]

Book: The Last Girlfriend On Earth – Simon Rich

I read this book in 2 hours and it was worth every minute! I showed everyone around me the book as well, especially the parts that were pertinent to boyfriends. The book covers a wide range of some funny, some strange and some downright blasphemous anecdotes of dating on a parallel universe that is really […]

Book: Brainstorm

A blog called Brainstorm was nominated for, and won, Best Political Blog at BAKE last year (or was it the year before? They should win every year). With good reason. In addition to their prolific commentary on Kenya’s consistently charged sociopolitical scene, they publish and distribute – for FREE! – every quarter (that’s three months, […]

Book: Do you remember the first time? by Jenny Colgan

I saw this book in the street and I simply could not resist buying it for a highly competitive pricing of 50 shillings. I used to read Jenny Colgan in my childhood, and it was like a blast from a romanticized hormone filled past. I don’t know if Miz Colgan writes anymore, but this is […]

Book: The Fault In Our Stars

The copy I had of The Fault In Our Stars had a fault on the cover. I got it from the Archangel who bought it in India, where – get this – they literally photocopied every single page of the original, slapped a new cover onto it and sold it in all its ‘#1 Ner […]

Book: The Secret Lives of Baba Segi’s Wives

Yay! First book review of 2015! I enjoyed The Secret Lives of Baba Segi’s Wives a lot more than the Secret Lives of Bees, lemme tell you. (I still haven’t finished the latter. There’s something about books that everyone enjoys that I just can’t seem to get. Maybe I’ll do the unthinkable and watch the […]