
We are our own worst enemies when it comes to justice. Mankind has a tendency to always make a more valiant attempt to keep the other man down than to lift him up. Not only that,we are also more likely to not speak up for our rights,and let injustices pass us by. Which is why ugly history keeps repeating itself.

I was in a jav the other day with my niece DeeDee. We were already irritated that the first mat we had taken dropped us really far from where we were. So now we got onto another one. The condi was trying to put 4 people in the backseat. One of them was a woman with her infant child. DeeDee took one look at them coming our way and said no. She started causing for the condi like why the hell would you do that to people in a jav when there’s space for 3,hata kama ni pesa…and wondering why the woman would do that to herself and her child. She made a good point…we should not allow stuff like that to go down.

Jana I was in a jav where I was squished on the condi’s seat,with someone else. My rear was pressed against the door,conveniently right at the spot where I had just been injected last week. sigh I saw that that jav was full,and I still got into it. I allowed these perpetrators of injustice to continue their reign of terror. cue theme music But enyewe I shouldn’t have gotten into that mat. But education is a damage,and it was raining. sigh

In other news,the manfast is going great,except for one man (whose reign of not so terrible terror I have allowed to continue). The idea is,you don’t go on a fast because there’s nothing around to eat. You go on a fast so as to maintain control when there is a veritable feast laid out in front of you. Now,the catch is,you can be fine neglecting everything else on the table,except that one dish. You know that dish. The one that you haven’t had in ages,and the last time you did you didn’t finish…let’s just say you and the dish have unfinished business,and seeing it during your fast has you pinning a napkin on and starting a food chant,because it’s probably going to get ugly. It is very hard to fast when you’re simply not done yet,especially when you’re trying to move on to the next course.

Mr. M. was my unfinished business. I could resist all but him. It was even easy to stop with everyone else,or simply not start. Unfortunately…not him. Now with him…with him,I definitely was my own worst enemy. And I couldn’t figure out what to do about that. Which I had to soon,because we were having lunch this week. And I felt like a fly,winging my way into the sticky spider’s web.


ps. Check out www.diasporadical.wordpress.com.

3 thoughts on “Observations

  1. …You know that dish. The one that you haven't had in ages,and the last time you did you didn't finish…let's just say you and the dish have unfinished business,and seeing it during your fast has you pinning a napkin on and starting a food chant,because it's probably going to get ugly. It is very hard to fast when you're simply not done yet,especially when you're trying to move on to the next course… I have NEVER heard it expresses SO WELLLLLLL!!!!Thank you!!!

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