I know this was supposed to be the hair one,but it’s not aka Tales from Childhood 1

I was a wonderfully precocious child. I say this with a mixture of pride and prejudice- HA!- because I cannot count the number of times my siblings have told me I was a much smarter kid than I am adult. So pride because I had memorized the entire periodic table and aspired to be an oceanographer,and prejudice because obviously I have a biased,rosy view of my excellence.

When I was 9,and in the 4th grade,I had a deep and abiding crush on several boys. Back then I could multitask. One of these young’uns was a boy called Brian. He was amusing. He thought he was so cool. He wasn’t,but he looked the part. He was the guy in the group of guys who’s second-in-command to the ringleader,and knows it. Not nearly as much poise,but there was something there. Technically, I wasn’t supposed to like the ringleader,because he was my best friend. I still did,though. I’ve never been one for rules. Anyway,he would’ve laughed in my face had I confessed anything so I was on to the next one: Brian.

I unfortunately was not the only lass with secondary aspirations. My nemesis was one of my best friends,Valentina. She was pretty,and cool,and also liked Brian. I don’t know how we were such good friends. One day,and I can’t remember how it started,we begun to exchange words over who should back off from Brian. All of a sudden we were at the swings,throwing girly punches. I realize this was not very Abigail-like behavior,considering how passive-aggressive I am now,but what’re you gonna do. I was 9 and apparently,very territorial. At the end of that fight,I had a bruised lip and a couple of her braids in my hand. And my favorite top was ripped a bit. But the next day we had lunch together.

And that,ladies and gentlemen,was my first and only catfight ever. I learned
1. Don’t fight when you’re in braids.
2. Or your favorite top.
3. It’s easier to just toss a coin.
4. Or go on to the other 5 options.
5. Girls can be great friends and still hate each other. Twisted,I know.
6. Still haven’t read Pride and Prejudice.


5 thoughts on “I know this was supposed to be the hair one,but it’s not aka Tales from Childhood 1

  1. 1. Pride and Prejudice is my favourite Jane Austen book.
    2. I've never had a cat fight, although me and my friend once pretended to have one for the entertainment of passersby.
    3. Braids in your hand? You're dangerous! Might that be the reason you keep your hair the way you do?

  2. Loving it 🙂 totally put a smile on my face and I thought the hair one was one of your best yet..but I had not yet read this!!! Yes for some odd odd reason girls CAN be great friends..and yet TOTALLY hate each other!!!!

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