
I like to think of myself as a great traveller. I think my body is the ultimate travelling machine. I have never missed a flight if the factors were within my control (Chicago traffic, screw you). My stomach senses when a food trolley is near, and wakes me up if I’m sleeping. I don’t know […]

Yes, I’m still writing about breakups, so there’s that

No one kind of gives you a heads up that breakups might break you but if they don’t break you they might kill you but also if they don’t kill you they might kill something inside you that you refuse to wake up anywhere else except when you’re alone – actually sometimes even when you’re […]

things to not say post breakup

Has someone in your life recently gone through a breakup? This is a handy series about what not to say when this happens, to someone you love, someone you care about, someone you vaguely like, an acquaintance, a stranger on the street, or your friendly neighbourhood hobo. In short, this is a series about what […]


This feels like a familiar feeling that I can’t remember feeling before. The pain comes and goes, typical of waves of grief, where sometimes there’s nothing at all and you go through an entire day without thinking anything of it. Then you wake up the next day and it’s present, surrounding you like a body […]

Shaving Part 2

I didn’t shave. I completely forgot that I was trying to do something nice for mankind, and so I went into my second lesson all willy-nilly, bushy-tushy. And I discovered that dancing kizomba is really hard. Why? Because it’s like having an orgasm. I’m explaining! Just chill! So, salsa, kizomba, all those tudances, need you […]

I guess I’m shaving again

So this is the reason why I might start shaving my armpits again. I started dancing. Not in the club every evening with Nairobians trying to avoid jam, cops and a loveless household, but practicing. Not for cardio, but also kind of for cardio, and kind of for fun. The thing is, I’ve never really […]

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