i am a tomato

My father looked at me in the eye and told me, that once I can make good ugali I should get married. I stood up and said too late but inside I stored what he said like an ugly precious. Festering inside me, soupy in a puddle of my hurt; that he measured me, as […]

All women should repeat

Hey, you know how girls have this thing where we sit and affirm each other and ourselves about how we are beautiful and worthy and deserve more from the people in our lives? Sometimes I think we should do that for guys, but not for affirmation. For clarification. Like guys should come and say all […]

Fears that Bind

When I was a child, I was scared of things that moved in the dark, but not the dark itself. I was scared of the coat hanging on my wardrobe that would somehow morph into a bloodthirsty child-eating monster when the moon was high in the sky and the lights were off. Curtains would transmutate […]

Of Wiles and Women

Ideally,a manfast is me not doing anything with any men-or boys-or males,generally-for a pre-arranged period of time. Who agrees amongst themselves? Me. Though this does tend to make me sound schizophrenic. Thing is,I’m not good at keeping away. As is clearly evidenced,the male species is the exact definition of a paradox of desires. I want,but […]

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