We are heavy.

Ah, my heart is heavy so heavy. It sits like a fat Turkish lord Overbearing, with studded rings and opulence spilling flesh I still need onto a carpeted floor. Your heart is heavy? says the earth, whispering to me as she cradles my pieces Think how many feet have trod on me in battles, feet […]

Number 2: Not All Women

For some women, you know, it changes. We start off with me all over your body, needing to breathe you and feel you constantly, ceaselessly, wondrously, until you feel like a smothered treasure, no breath, no air. Then at some point, when you make your displeasure at our stifling known, it changes. Then we retreat […]

Number 1.

I hope that one day the skies part and golden spills out every morning, onto your pillow and wakes you up with the quiet of sunrise. And I hope that every night when the moon’s shadow kisses your careworn cheek, you remember to spare a thought for your favourite woman and kiss her back. But […]

If you

If you leave me, I’ll  tear a hole in the sky so large it’ll never stop raining on the world.  If you ever walk away, I’ll  follow you until you have to run from me, till my feet start leaving bloody tracks behind my heart that’s trying to catch up with yours. If you break […]

I wish it wasn’t true.

God, I wish it wasn’t true but I really hate the way that you won’t love me the way I want you to   God, I hope it’s a mistake that I think your name when I wake that I gave you a heart you don’t want to take   Maybe when I re-find myself, […]

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