
don’t you

God! don’t you want the person who’ll watch you cry and not be scared? Don’t you want the one who’ll hold you when you need to be held, whether or not they’re prepared? Don’t you want the arms you’ll fit into so well it feels like your bodies were pre-paired ordained to fit into each […]

The darkness and the light

1 It’s dark outside and no one can really hear you cry. You don’t even know you’re crying until the sharp weight on your chest makes you sit up, and a tear rolls down your cheek. Fucking period. But you know it’s not the fucking period. It’s the man next to you. You hold your […]

I thought I told you

I’m not the normal needy girlfriend; I thought I told you this before. I’m the one who’ll panic when you don’t text me back in an hour, automatically thinking you’re dead and how the hell am I going to tell your mother. I’m the type who will be cut too deep every time you say […]

If you

If you leave me, I’ll  tear a hole in the sky so large it’ll never stop raining on the world.  If you ever walk away, I’ll  follow you until you have to run from me, till my feet start leaving bloody tracks behind my heart that’s trying to catch up with yours. If you break […]

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