the invisible

I’m trying to reconstruct something which may or may not have been broken so if you can see the pieces, pick them up and if they were torn apart by invisible hands let’s stitch them together with visible words and comfort let’s love Us back into being.


things I haven’t told you

things I haven’t told you: I cried about us last night and I’m going to tell you maybe after the break up because I don’t want you to realize how in love I was, am. things I haven’t told you: if I keep him, I’m leaving him at your doorstep as soon as they let […]


In the quiet of what is left of us Will you still care for us? Will you imagine dragons to beat them for me? When we’re not at the best of us Will you run away from the ugly us Will you run and run until you’re finally free? In the years that come for […]

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